If you choose the traditional method of paying off your mortgage, you would be required to pay a balloon payment at the end of the term. This would entail paying a lump sum amount towards your mortgage. A lot of people do not want to pay this amount out of pocket, which is why the "moment" method came about. It has been reported that many individuals are turning down the regular payment plan and simply paying off the balloon amount. This allows them to have the same house for less money. Since the loan is set to last for a certain amount of years, they are simply paying it back at a slower rate.
The advantages to opting for this type of mortgage are fairly obvious. You can save quite a bit of money if you stick with the regular payment plan. The interest rates are reduced drastically. The down side to this is that you could end up paying off the mortgage early. If you do this you will need to pay a higher than average interest rate.
The biggest advantage that you will find with this type of mortgage is the flexibility it provides. You are allowed to make small alterations to the terms at any time. It is your option to pay extra, shorten the term or even end it all. If you decide to do any of these things you can do so without a problem. If you do anything that is too drastic, your lender can legally terminate your mortgage and force you to pay the money back.
As with any loan you need to understand that there are risks involved. You can end up owing more than you actually owe. Depending on your credit score you might end up paying double the value of your property. This can be extremely burdensome. Not only that but you will also have an ugly tax bill hanging over your head. Some people even lose their home to such circumstances.
The good news is that you can take steps to minimize the negative aspects of a Momentum Mortgage. One of the first things you can do is negotiate the interest rate. In some cases the interest rate can be decreased by as much as 50%. While this sounds like a huge savings for you, the only way you can make such an offer is if your lender is willing to stand behind it.
The next thing to do is to pay off any debts you might already have. Debts such as credit cards are always going to cost you money. If you can pay them off, great. If not, then you should do whatever you can to pay them off quickly. Having a debt free lifestyle is often one of the best ways to secure a better interest rate. As a result you will end up paying less each month on your mortgage.
The only other thing that you should consider doing is to get a second job. You will be able to secure a better interest rate this way. However, before you do, you should make sure that you have saved enough money from other investments to pay off your monthly mortgage.